Identifying the Right Use Case for AI and Autonomous Transformation

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In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and autonomous technologies has become essential. Most organizations have started embedding AI into their workstreams, primarily focusing on productivity enhancements. However, this limited perspective overlooks the profound potential AI holds. Beyond mere productivity, AI promises a transformative impact on innovation and system-wide improvements. This article delves into how leaders can identify, assess, and prioritize AI-driven transformation opportunities, distinguishing between productivity experiments and genuine transformation use cases.

Differentiating Between a Productivity Experiment and a Transformation Use Case

The first step in leveraging AI’s full potential is understanding the difference between productivity experiments and transformation use cases.

Productivity Experiments

Productivity experiments refer to implementations aimed at optimizing existing processes, reducing costs, and improving efficiency. These initiatives often involve automating routine tasks, enhancing data processing speeds, or streamlining communication channels. While productivity experiments can yield immediate benefits and enhance operational efficiency, they often result in incremental gains. These improvements, though valuable, may not significantly alter the business model or create substantial competitive advantages. For a deeper understanding, refer to McKinsey’s AI Report.

Transformation Use Cases

Transformation use cases, on the other hand, are strategic initiatives that fundamentally change how an organization operates, competes, and delivers value. These initiatives involve developing new business models, creating AI-driven products, or redefining customer experiences through advanced AI technologies. The impact of transformation use cases is profound, as they have the potential to disrupt industries, create new markets, and drive substantial long-term growth. By focusing on transformation use cases, businesses can unlock the true potential of AI and achieve sustainable competitive advantages. Explore more in the Harvard Business Review’s Guide to Creating an AI Strategy.

Transformation Diagnostics Framework

To effectively identify and prioritize AI transformation opportunities, businesses need a robust framework. The Transformation Diagnostics Framework serves this purpose by providing a structured approach to evaluate potential use cases.

Step 1: Identify Potential Use Cases

Identifying potential use cases begins with brainstorming and ideation sessions that involve cross-functional teams. These sessions aim to generate a diverse range of AI applications relevant to the industry. Market research is crucial in this phase, as it helps analyze industry trends, competitor initiatives, and emerging technologies to uncover opportunities. Additionally, leveraging customer insights by gathering feedback and analyzing data can identify pain points and areas where AI can add significant value. As Andrew Ng, Co-founder of Coursera and Adjunct Professor at Stanford University, states, “Businesses need to go beyond incremental improvements and focus on radical innovation to stay competitive in the AI era.”

Step 2: Assess Feasibility and Impact

Assessing the feasibility and impact of potential use cases involves several critical steps. Technical feasibility is evaluated by determining whether the necessary technology and expertise are available to implement the use case. Strategic alignment ensures that the use case aligns with the organization’s strategic goals and vision. Impact analysis estimates the potential business impact, including revenue growth, cost savings, and competitive advantage. Gartner’s AI Maturity Model is a valuable resource for further insights into assessing feasibility and impact.

Step 3: Prioritize Use Cases

Prioritizing use cases requires a systematic approach. One effective method is the Value vs. Effort Matrix, which plots use cases based on their potential value and the effort required for implementation. This helps identify low-hanging fruits that can deliver immediate benefits and long-term strategic bets that require more investment but promise substantial returns. Risk assessment is also essential, as it considers potential technological, financial, and operational challenges. For a practical guide to prioritization, this AI Prioritization Framework offers valuable insights.

Understanding the Relationship Between BU-Specific Use Cases and Operating Model Transformation

A crucial aspect of AI transformation is understanding how specific use cases tie into broader operating model changes. Business units (BUs) should not work in silos; instead, their AI initiatives should contribute to an overarching transformation strategy.

BU-Specific Use Cases

BU-specific use cases are targeted AI applications tailored to address specific challenges or opportunities within individual business units. Examples include predictive maintenance in manufacturing, personalized marketing in retail, or fraud detection in finance. These use cases drive significant improvements within the BU, demonstrating AI’s potential and fostering a culture of innovation. For more examples, see MIT Sloan Management Review on AI in Business Units.

Operating Model Transformation

Beyond individual use cases, businesses need to envision how AI can reshape their entire operating model. This holistic approach involves developing a cohesive strategy that integrates BU-specific use cases into a unified transformation roadmap. The new operating model should be scalable, adaptable to future technological advancements, and capable of supporting continuous innovation. As Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, emphasizes, “The true power of AI lies in its ability to transform the fundamental structure of a business.”

Low Investment Starting Points to Prove (or Disprove) Value

For organizations new to AI, starting with low investment projects can help prove the value of AI and build confidence for larger initiatives.

Pilot Projects

Pilot projects are small-scale implementations designed to test the feasibility and impact of AI use cases. Examples include implementing chatbots for customer service, using AI for data analytics in a specific department, or deploying a recommendation system for a niche market segment. Monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential to assess the success of pilot projects and make data-driven decisions on scaling up. For additional guidance, refer to Forrester’s Take on Gen AI Pilot Projects by CMOs.

Proof of Concept (PoC)

A Proof of Concept (PoC) involves creating a prototype to demonstrate the viability of an AI use case. Examples include developing a prototype AI model for predictive analytics or building a basic AI-driven automation tool. The feedback loop is crucial in this phase, as it involves gathering feedback from stakeholders, refining the prototype, and iteratively improving the solution. Deloitte’s AI Playbook provides valuable insights into executing successful PoCs.

Actionable Best Practices Frameworks, Tips, and Tricks

Implementing AI-driven transformation requires careful planning and execution. Here are some best practices to guide your journey.

Best Practices for AI Implementation

Start with a clear vision by defining what success looks like for your AI transformation and communicating this vision across the organization. Invest in talent and training to build a skilled AI team and ensure continuous learning to keep up with the latest advancements. Robust data governance and management practices are essential to support AI initiatives. Foster collaboration between IT, business units, and AI experts to drive integrated solutions. Address ethical concerns related to AI, such as bias, transparency, and accountability. Alan Kay, a renowned computer scientist, once said, “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”

Tips and Tricks

Leverage existing tools and platforms to accelerate development and deployment. Focus on user experience by designing AI solutions with the end-user in mind to ensure adoption and satisfaction. Continuously iterate and improve AI models and solutions based on real-world performance and feedback. Measure and communicate success by tracking KPIs and sharing the impact of AI initiatives with stakeholders to build support and momentum. IBM’s AI Adoption Best Practices offers a comprehensive guide to adopting AI successfully.

Call to Action: Implementing AI Transformation with The Company Cebu

At The Company Cebu, we are committed to empowering businesses to harness the full potential of AI and autonomous technologies. Our community-centric approach ensures that we collaborate with partner organizations to implement the right use cases, driving both productivity enhancements and transformative innovation.


Collaborative Programs and Initiatives

The Company Cebu is launching several programs designed to support the community in implementing AI solutions. Our AI Innovation Labs provide collaborative spaces where businesses can experiment with AI technologies and develop innovative solutions. Our training and workshops are educational programs that upskill your workforce and equip them with the knowledge needed to drive AI transformation. Through partnerships with leading AI providers, we offer access to cutting-edge AI tools and platforms. Our mentorship and support programs provide guidance from industry experts to help you navigate the complexities of AI implementation and achieve your strategic goals.

Dashcon 2024

The Company Cebu is proud to support Dashcon 2024, a premier business event designed to be an interactive “knowledge exchange” that converges AI sophistication with human insight in digital marketing and business growth. This event is an excellent opportunity for business leaders, startup founders, marketing leaders, and tech-savvy professionals to learn about AI in marketing, sales, and operations. It is tailored for anyone looking to understand better how to use AI and combine it with human skills and oversight for responsible and acceptable use.

How Co-working Spaces in Cebu Can Help

Co-working spaces in Cebu, such as The Company Cebu, play a vital role in helping the community implement the right AI use cases. These spaces offer a collaborative environment where businesses can access the latest AI technologies and tools. By providing AI Innovation Labs, co-working spaces enable companies to experiment with AI applications, develop prototypes, and refine solutions in a supportive setting. Additionally, co-working spaces often host training sessions and workshops, which help upskill the local workforce and equip them with the necessary knowledge to drive AI transformation. The community-centric nature of co-working spaces fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing, ensuring that businesses can learn from each other’s successes and challenges. Through partnerships with leading AI providers, co-working spaces can offer access to cutting-edge tools and platforms, further empowering businesses to harness the full potential of AI and autonomous technologies.

AI and autonomous technologies have the power to revolutionize how businesses operate, compete, and deliver value. By identifying the right use cases and adopting a structured approach to AI transformation, organizations can unlock new opportunities and drive sustainable growth. The Company Cebu is here to support you on this journey, providing the resources, expertise, and community needed to succeed. Join us and be part of the AI-driven future.

Reference List

  1. McKinsey & Company. (2023). The impact of AI on business. Retrieved from
  2. Harvard Business Review. (2019). Building the AI-Powered Organization. Retrieved from
  3. Gartner. (2020). AI Maturity Model. Retrieved from
  4. AppliedAI Initiative. (2021). How to prioritize AI use cases. Retrieved from
  5. MIT Sloan Management Review. (2020). How artificial intelligence is transforming business. Retrieved from
  6. Forrester. (2020). Now Tech: AI Consultancies in North America. Retrieved from
  7. Deloitte. (2020). Taking AI to the next level: Harnessing the full potential and valueof AI while managing its unique risks. Retrieved from
  8. IBM. (2020). How to build a successful AI strategy. Retrieved from
  9. Dashcon 2024. (2024). AI In Marketing Conference. Retrieved from

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