News & Blog

Tech Listens: Lighting the Path to Space Technology and Global Innovation

By Lady Fair Pazon February 29, 2024

On February 8, 2024, Tech Listens made a triumphant comeback, showcasing not just an event, but a movement towards accelerating …

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Finding Your Ikigai: Insights from the DOHE Startup Cebu Mixer

By Jherome Lloveras February 29, 2024

In the heart of Crossroads Cebu City, the Department of Entrepreneurial Hub Enthusiasts (DOHE) hosted a vibrant startup mixer at The Playground. Guided by social entrepreneur Thomas Graham, attendees explored their passions and unearthed their ikigai—a Japanese concept of purpose. Supported by The Company, the event sparked connections and ignited entrepreneurial dreams, proving that when passion meets purpose, possibilities are boundless.

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Empowering Cebu’s Startup Ecosystem: Insights from the Ecosystem Builder’s Meeting

By Lady Fair Pazon February 29, 2024

Welcome to the Cebu Startup Ecosystem Builder’s Meeting Blog! The energy at the recent meeting for startup ecosystem builders in …

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Bridging Cultures: The Company Cebu Joins the JEE Japanese English Exchange in Cebu

By Naomi Numaguchi February 28, 2024

The Company Cebu staff joined a Japanese-English exchange event, connecting with Japanese residents, travelers, and students, gaining cultural insights and building meaningful connections.

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Demystifying Business Registration In The Philippines

By Christine Diano February 26, 2024

For aspiring entrepreneurs in the Philippines, navigating the legal intricacies of business registration can be daunting. The Company Cebu, recognizing this challenge, held a timely seminar on January 19th, 2024, specifically designed to empower individuals and organizations navigating the establishment of their ventures.

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The Inaugural SWU 24-Hour Mini Hackathon: A Showcase of Student Innovation

By zerotenph February 21, 2024

The inaugural SWU 24-Hour Mini Hackathon showcased nine innovative student teams developing practical tech solutions, bridging theory and practice in IT.

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