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A company logo with the text "The Company Cebu" Text "04" Text "BLOGS & FEATURES" Text "The Role of The Company Cebu in International Expansion in the Philippines" Hashtags "#TheCompany Cebu", "#DeepDives", and "#EmployerofRecord"

The Role of The Company Cebu in International Expansion in the Philippines

By Joy Garingo July 1, 2024

Discover how The Company Cebu’s EOR services provide businesses with immediate workspace access, equipment procurement, and rapid recruitment, ensuring compliance with local laws and facilitating smooth international expansion.

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Tech and HR Trends

Cebu Goes Digital: Exciting Tech and HR Trends Embracing Generative AI in 2024

By Lady Fair Pazon June 27, 2024

Cebu City, the Queen City of the South, is undergoing a digital transformation. From bustling IT parks to a growing …

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Thriving in Paradise: A Guide to Registering Your Business in Cebu City

By Joseph Jumaoas June 27, 2024

Before you set up shop and start turning a profit, navigating the legalities of business registration is crucial. This might seem daunting at first, but fret not! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the entire process, ensuring a smooth journey from aspiring entrepreneur to established business owner in Cebu City.

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Cebu Tech

Cebu Tech: A Thriving Hub of Innovation Where AI, Blockchain, and IoT Are Shaping the Future

By zerotenph June 26, 2024

Cebu City, the Queen City of the South in the Philippines, is rapidly transforming into a frontrunner in the tech …

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Unmasking and Eradicating Profit Eaters in Your Business

By Christine Diano June 26, 2024

The thrill of building a business, nurturing it from a fledgling idea to a thriving entity, is undeniable. But amidst …

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Woven with Tradition: A Look at the CFIF Bag Weaving Workshop

By Joseph Jumaoas June 25, 2024

The Philippines boasts a rich tapestry of cultural traditions, and weaving stands out as a vibrant thread in this beautiful fabric. Far from being merely functional, Filipino weaving is an art form steeped in history, symbolism, and cultural identity. From the intricate textiles of the Ifugao people to the colorful weaves of Mindanao, each region possesses distinct styles and techniques passed down through generations. As the furniture capital of the Philippines, Cebu weaves into this tradition by producing woven furniture and items made of natural and synthetic materials.

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