Unlocking Insights at RISE 7 Central Visayas: Shaping Our Future in Tech

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Unlocking Insights at RISE 7 Central Visayas: Shaping Our Future in Tech 🚀

The Company Cebu was thrilled to partake in the groundbreaking RISE 7 Central Visayas event, orchestrated by the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) on December 5, 2023, at the scenic Vista Mar Beach Resort & Country Club in Lapu-Lapu City. 🌟

We gleaned valuable perspectives from influential industry figures and entrepreneurs, and we are excited to share these insights with you!

🌐 1. The Integral Role of ICT Councils: Shaping Future Communities
In a profoundly insightful presentation, Atty. Jocellete Batapa-Sigue delved into the transformative impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in shaping the future of communities within the digital era. Underlining the dynamism of this era, she stressed the pivotal role of an ICT council—a comprehensive body comprising officials from local government, DICT representatives, academia, the business sector, and other stakeholders. The intricate synergy between these entities serves as the linchpin for driving technological progress and community development.

Central Visayas emerges as a vibrant hub of progress, boasting impressive statistics that include an annual output of 23,815 graduates, 142 higher education institutions, a robust fiber optic infrastructure, nine economic zones, and diverse facilities. The strategic significance of the six active ICT councils is highlighted in fostering collaborative efforts among stakeholders. Beyond statistics, these councils become catalysts for innovation, facilitating the integration of technology into the fabric of community growth and development. Through dynamic collaborations, they navigate the digital landscape, ensuring that Central Visayas remains at the forefront of technological advancements, positively impacting both its residents and the broader community.

🌏 2. Talent Attraction & Development in the Philippines: A Global Hub Vision
Ms. Haidee Enriquez, Chair of the Talent Attraction & Development Committee at IBPAP, dubbed the Philippines as the “contact center destination of the world.” Her vision emphasizes the future of the IT-BPM industry lying in rural areas. Collaboration between Local Government Units (LGUs) and ICTs is key to providing essential information for businesses. Presenting a six-year blueprint, she envisions the Philippines as the premier hub for digitally enabled services, targeting a growth of 2.5 million full-time equivalents (FTEs) by 2028 and translating to an additional 1.1 million jobs, with an annual revenue of US$59 billion. The focus? Customer experiences (CX), employee experiences (EX), and user experiences (UX) with high-complexity and high-skill category jobs.

🌐 3. Nurturing Digital Talent: Internship-to-Employment Programs
In the realm of talent development, Sir Michael Eala, the Director of Learning and Development at Teleperformance, advocates for the strategic significance of internship-to-employment programs. Eala’s vision extends beyond mere retention metrics, viewing these programs as dynamic catalysts in shaping the digital workforce. Rather than conventional probationary periods, he envisions them as incubators fostering digital acumen. Interns, guided by this forward-thinking approach, navigate a technologically evolving landscape, evaluating not only their commitment but also gaining insights into the company’s broader digital strategy.

Sir Eala’s analysis positions these programs as strategic vehicles for cultivating a specialized, digitally proficient talent pool. Interns, under this paradigm, don’t just acquire job-specific skills but develop a comprehensive understanding of their role in the company’s digital trajectory. Moreover, he highlights the role of internship-to-employment initiatives in instilling a culture of innovation within the digital realm. As technology advances, these programs become vital conduits for knowledge exchange between seasoned professionals and emerging digital natives, propelling organizations toward digital excellence.

Sir Michael Eala’s perspective transforms internship-to-employment programs into comprehensive strategies for building a digitally fluent, innovation-centric workforce. Beyond traditional talent benchmarks, Eala’s vision offers a roadmap for organizations to attract, retain, and excel with top-tier digital talent in an ever-evolving landscape. The internship-to-employment model, guided by Eala’s insights, emerges as a foundational pillar for cultivating a resilient, future-ready workforce.

🤝 4. Round Table Discussion: Enhancing Talent Development Collaboration
In a dynamic and engaging focus group discussion orchestrated by the insightful Ms. Enriquez, the spotlight was firmly placed on fostering a symbiotic relationship between Local Government Units (LGUs) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The discourse gravitated towards the notion that the synergy between these entities could be harnessed for the meticulous collection of comprehensive talent data. Ms. Enriquez passionately advocated for universities to undergo a paradigm shift, urging them to delve beyond traditional academic metrics. The proposal resonated with the need for institutions to holistically comprehend the spectrum of talents they cultivate, including their areas of specialization and notable achievements.

Expanding on this concept, Ms. Enriquez highlighted the multifaceted benefits of this approach. By equipping universities with the capacity to not only identify but deeply understand the nuances of the talents they nurture, a more strategic and informed collaboration can be established between academia and industry. This transformation is envisioned as pivotal for prospective business locators, as it ensures access to a wealth of data that goes beyond the surface-level qualifications of graduates. The proposed shift calls for a comprehensive analysis of the industries in which these talents thrive, their unique skill sets, and the innovative contributions they can make to the corporate landscape.

In essence, Ms. Enriquez’s visionary approach seeks to bridge the existing gap between educational institutions and the business sector by fostering a deeper understanding of the talents emerging from these academic settings. This paradigm shift not only enhances the value proposition of universities but also facilitates an environment where businesses can make well-informed decisions about establishing their presence. As the discussion unfolds, it becomes evident that this strategic collaboration has the potential to redefine the landscape of talent acquisition, transforming it into a dynamic and mutually beneficial partnership between academia and industry stakeholders.

🌐 Applying Insights for Growth: A Glimpse into the Future
These glimpses into the RISE 7 Central Visayas event merely scratch the surface of the rich reservoir of insights garnered. The Company Cebu, having actively participated in this knowledge-intensive gathering, is not merely excited but deeply committed to assimilating and applying these newfound insights. The anticipation is not only about business advancement but also centers around a profound commitment to the holistic growth and success of the communities within its purview. This commitment is not a mere aspiration but a strategic imperative, recognizing that the symbiotic relationship between business and community development is an essential catalyst for sustained success and positive societal impact. As The Company Cebu embarks on this transformative journey, the overarching goal is to not just adapt but to proactively shape a future where innovation, community well-being, and business prosperity harmoniously coexist. 🚀

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